Saturday, May 21, 2011

So what does this symbol mean?

Many people have asked me what does the symbol mean.

After the second video, I have to think about an icon, I had to create a symbol related to video game so people could recognize I made that video.

"Wait, how in Earth this symbol reminds me of a video game?"

Does it remember you of something now?
Snes! Of course. It's a preference of mine, I consider Super Nintendo the best console yet released. I had great times with it back in the 90's, we gathered friends and cousins to play great games such as Mortal Kombat series, Street Fighter 2, Battletoads, Super Mario series and etc. I should tell you guys that I don't feel the same magic I used to feel when I was a kid. If I record well, a cousin of mine had to take a loan to buy a Playstation 3 (trust me, he had to pay around 2400 bucks to play on such thing) as well with other stuff, he still pay that annoying annuity loan tax, I wish I never do such thing.

So, that symbol is actually a tribute to one of the best video games ever made, I did take the green color off because I would copy the same SNES Symbol, and it's a reference to the Primary Colors (Yes, I studied Art), no wonder why most of the colors around my blog are blue, yellow or red only.

By the way, I just finished the intro of my upcoming video, I am going to post the latest video I made here soon!

Hope to see you around more often.


  1. Thanks for the explanation! :)

  2. When i saw the picture i though they are pills.

    you just reminded me on SF 2.. gonna go play it a little :D

  3. its for extasy pills. didnt you see it?

  4. Yea... Most of people said it's pills for madness, or they even said it was made by Louis, from Left 4 Dead.

  5. i loved super nintendo!
    super mario best game

  6. I looked and saw pills, but when I saw that controller my mind shifted permanently to video games.

  7. Seems like everything reminds me of video games these days. Cool perspective though, going to follow your blog.

  8. I had a hunch, but thank you for confirmation. Also, always appreciate a subtle art reference

  9. While the super nintendo was a great system, Mortal Kombat was all about the Genesis seeing as Sega didn't censor the blood out. lol regardless it's an awesome symbol

  10. omg 2400 bucks for a ps3?? he was crazy or what xD?

  11. smart i like the idea of taking something you know and putting it into something you need.... like a logo.

  12. Oh, so that's it!

  13. As soon as I saw the controller I instantly had memories of playin it as a kid! Great post great read

  14. haha taking out a loan for a PS3? just save up for a few months

  15. It's similar to saying "I have a mortgage for a Gameboy". XD

  16. nothing will beat the ZX Spectrum

  17. The US SNES was all purple/grey, pretty damn lame compared to the UK's!

  18. Haha nice connection, I love SNES

  19. Super Nintendo FTW, My alltime favorite system, then Sega Dreamcast, then the original NES.

  20. i see some elemnts there, fire water, earth wind

  21. great logo dude!
    i loved the snes too! <3

  22. the Snes was an awesome conscole too.
    got memories of playing it at my nan and grandads back in the early '90s :P

  23. Super Nintendo is up there, but PS1 + 2 are atleast its equal... I thought that symbol was either a genesis/snes controller or jelly beans haha

  24. I loved the Super Starfox and my mom and i used to play Donkey Kong..I miss my snes.....I miss the 90's

  25. Looks nice and, it makes people wonder/think. :)

  26. reminds me of easter eggs haha but yeah ! snes was epic, played mario so much as a kid. almost as much as sonic on the mega drive!
